Opening Hours
Monday 7am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 7am - 5:30pm
Thursday 7am - 5:30pm
Friday 7am - 5:30pm Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Daily Child Care Schedule
7:00- 8:00 Free-play/Exercise & music
8:00- 9:00 Breakfast
9:00- 9:30 Calendar/Circle Time
9:30- 10:30 Pre-school Hour
10:30-11:30 Outdoor Activities (weather permitted}
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:45 Storytime
12:45-2:45 Nap/Rest Time
2:45- 3:15 Toileting
3:15- 3:45 Snack
3:45- 4:00 Science Time
4:00- 4:30 Arts and Craft
4:30- 5:00 Outdoor Activities (weather permitted)
5:00- 5:30 Free Play/Dismissal
Proper handwashing will be done at arrival, before meals and after meals/snack, after outdoor activities, after diapering and using restroom and whenever necessary.